Francesca Chocano selected for the PFFPAL grant from the Botín Foundation

Mar 31, 2023 | News

We are pleased to announce that Francesca Chocano Villanueva, legal assistant at Compemedia, has been selected to participate in the Botín Foundation’s Program for the Strengthening of the Civil Service in Latin America. The program, which will begin on October 17 in Bogota, seeks to enhance the attitudes and skills necessary for the full and proactive exercise of public service and the implementation of public policies.

From among 6,000 participants, Francesca was selected for her high potential and vocation for public service. The program consists of intensive training in five areas: Public Policy, Public Ethics, Creativity and Innovation, Leadership and Personal Skills, and Global Trends and Sustainability. Participants will have the opportunity to explore their purpose of service vocation and reflect on the role of the state today.

At the conclusion of the program, participants will have the opportunity to become part of the Latin American Public Servants Alumni Network. In the last 12 years, 410 young people from 20 Latin American countries have graduated from the program, 70% of whom work in positions related to public service in their countries.

At Compemedia, we are proud of our employees’ commitment to public service and the improvement of the region. We congratulate Francesca for her selection in the Program for the Strengthening of Public Service in Latin America and wish her every success in this important training experience.