Presentation of the book “PolítiKa vs. Prensa” by our director Andrés Calderón.

Mar 31, 2023 | Publications

It is a pleasure for us to present the latest book by our director Andrés Calderón, entitled “PolítiKa vs. This book is a fundamental work to understand the frontiers of journalism and legal obligations in these turbulent times of Peruvian politics.

In “PolítiKa vs. Prensa”, Calderón analyzes five years of political and media life in Peru, from the 2016 election campaign to the present. Through his experience and knowledge of communication law, the author addresses key issues such as freedom of expression, censorship, journalistic responsibility, and the relationship between the media and political power.

In a context in which freedom of the press is threatened in many parts of the world, this book is a call for reflection on the fundamental role of the press in society and the need to protect it from external and internal threats that may jeopardize its independence and its ability to report truthfully and objectively.

From Compemedia Consultoría, we congratulate our director for this important achievement and we recommend reading “PolítiKa vs. Prensa” to all those interested in freedom of expression, journalism, and politics. The book is available in bookstores and online.