Comments on the Protocol for the Safety of Journalists (Ministerial Resolution N° 0277-2023-IN)

Apr 5, 2023 | Uncategorized

At Compemedia Consultoría we are pleased to present our comments on the draft Protocol of inter-institutional action for the coordination and attention to journalists and social communicators in the context of disturbance to public order (Ministerial Resolution No. 0277-2023-IN).

As a consultant specialized in freedom of information and regulatory improvement, our mission is to contribute to the strengthening of freedom of expression, freedom of information, access to public information, and freedom of the press in Latin America. To achieve this goal, we consider it essential to participate in processes such as developing protocols that seek to protect journalists and social communicators who cover situations of public disturbance.

The members of our team in charge were Andrés Calderón and Francesca Chocano, co-authors of the “Roadmap of Priority Actions to Strengthen Freedom of Expression and the Safety of Journalists”, commissioned by UNESCO Peru and the British Embassy in Lima.

Our comments on the draft Protocol seek to contribute to the improvement of the guarantees of protection for journalists and social communicators in the context of public disorder. We hope that our recommendations will be considered and that this Protocol will be an effective tool for protecting fundamental rights in situations of social tension.