Get to know us


Andres Calderon

Lawyer (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru), with more than 15 years of experience in the field of competition law and economic regulation. He has worked for and been a consultant to competition authorities in Peru (Indecopi, Osiptel) and abroad (U.S. FTC, Costa Rica’s SUTEL).
He has advised companies on business operations and compliance in sectors such as digital commerce, retail, banking, telecommunications, health, among others. He has authored more than twenty publications in books or indexed journals. He is the co-director of the Academic Society of Competition Law – Latin America Chapter.
He holds a Masters degree from Yale Law School and is studying a Doctorate (PhD) at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
He has been a Law profesor and Communications professor since 2009 (PUCP, Universidad del Pacifico, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, UPC).

Jacqueline St Laurent

Law Bachelor (Universidad del Pacifico). Fellow of the Interamerican Court of Human Rights Training Course, University of Buenos Aires Human Rights Center and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation. She is an Associate to the Forseti Magazine (DERUP Editores). She is also the Technical Secretary of the Ethics Tribunal of the Peruvian Press Council. She collaborates with the Legal Clinic of Information Freedom at the Universidad del Pacifico.
She has been a teaching assistant for the courses of Economics and Law at the Universidad del Pacifico and Communications Legislation at the PUCP.

Francesca Chocano

Law student at the Universidad del Pacífico. Scholar at the Program for the Strengthening of the Public Service in Latin America at the Botin Foundation. She is an Associate to the Forseti Magazine (DERUP Editores). She is also a member of the Network of Public Servants of Latin America.
She has been a teaching assistant and coordinator of the Legal Clinic of Information Freedom and Introduction to Law at the Universidad del Pacifico.

Economic consultants

Veronica Zapata

Economist, with more than 16 years of experience in management, design and implementation of public policies, and free competition.
She has been a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank and for projects financed by the World Bank.
She has advised the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, SINEACE, and the Ministry of Agriculture.
She has worked on regulation and competition issues in public (OSIPTEL) and private institutions (Peruvian Institute of Economy, America Movil and Bullard, Falla & Ezcurra Abogados).
She has been a professor (Universidad de Lima and OSIPTEL) since 2014

Jose Carlos Aguilar

Economist with more than 18 years of experience in public policies of regulation, supervision and inspection.
He has been a consultant for the German Development Cooperation and the Inter-American Development Bank.
He has worked for and advised to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Presidency of the Ministries Council, Osiptel, Ositran, SUNEDU, OEFA and the National Telecommunications Program.